Customer service should not be a department. It should be the entire company
We offer different services and these can be sorted in following categories:
Social Media Management
We offer a comprehensive service, from conceptualizing your idea to planning and scheduling your posts. Additionally, we provide photo and video editing services, as well as creating graphics and logos for your posts or ads.
360 degree service
Planing & scheduling of posts, reels & ads
Photo & video edit
Marketing service
Company design & layout
Office Management
We manage your emails, calender, schedules, phone calls and other office work. Our Virtual
Assitants are proficient in all standard office programs like MS Office and more.
Data Entry
Email management
Phone Calls
Scheduling of meetings & trips
MS Office
Help with presentations & logging
Creative Work
Our team has over 10 years of experience in video and photo editing. We also offer graphic and
logo design